Arturo Herrero

Polyglot Programming

How many programming languages do you know?

Most programmers know several languages. I, as web developer, work on a daily basis with Groovy, SQL, Bash Scripting, HTML, CSS, JavaScript…

Learning different languages allows us to solve problems with the most appropriate language and to explore new paths of thinking about computational problems.

Neal Ford coined the term polyglot programming, to refer about this topic:

I think it’s important in this day and age of polyglot programming to understand a variety of different languages, as they are the design tools we use to craft software. Just like regular engineers must understand the physical properties of different materials, we should understand the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of different languages. And when to apply them.
– Neal Ford

Polyglot JVM

Java has long been known simply as a programming language. Today, when thinking in Java we refer also a robust and mature development platform. Currently, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) supports over 200 different programming languages.

These days I have been exploring different languages on the JVM: Java, Groovy, Scala, Clojure… I shared my experiences with others developers at Codemotion 2012.

Hope you enjoy the slides.

March 27, 2012 | @ArturoHerrero